Caribbean Financial Network

Caribbean Development Bank

"Moving The Caribbean Forward"

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The Caribbean Development Bank is headed by the Board of Governors. This Board delegates oversight of Bank operations to the Board of Directors, which is chaired by the President. The President is appointed by the Board of Governors and is responsible for the day-to-day business of the Bank. He is assisted by two Vice-Presidents and an Advisory Management Team. CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS UNIT INTERNAL AUDIT DIVISION OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT EVALUATION OFFICE OF RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF INTEGRITY, COMPLIANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY FINANCE, AND INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS DEPARTMENT LEGAL DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES AND ADMINISTRATION CONTENT MANAGEMENT AND DISCLOSURE UNIT RENEWABLE ENERGY / ENERGY EFFICIENT UNIT CORPORATE STRATEGY DIVISION INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERSHIPS PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS REGIONAL SUPPORT FACILITY PROJECTS DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS DIVISIONS & UNITS Procurement Policy Unit Private Sector Development Unit Environmental Sustainability Unit Technical Cooperation Division Social Sector Division Economic Infrastructure Division

Caribbean Development Bank

P.O. Box 408, St. Michael, Barbados,

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