Caribbean Financial Network

Community Care Credit Union Cooperative Society Limited

"We Care"

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1 868-662-9270
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The Credit Union was founded on March 05, 1952 as West Indian Oil Industries Credit Union. Since then the Credit Union has evolved to Lever Brothers Employees Credit Union; Lever Brothers Credit Union and now Community Care Credit Union to reflect its expanded field of membership. The original membership bond was employees and their immediate families.The credit union was organized to provide an avenue for members to pool their resources for loans and savings. Community Care Credit Union is now community based with branches in Curepe and Fyzabad. We offer a wide range of products and services designed to improve the economic, social and spiritual well-being of our members. We have grown from our humble beginnings in Carapichaima to fully meet the growing needs of our members for a convenient and easily accessible service provider.

Cayman Stock Exchange

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Grand Cayman
The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange (CSX) was founded in 1996 and is a leading, globally focused, specialist exchange for various sophisticated products. Our focus is on being an efficient gateway to global markets. As such, the CSX is known for the broad array of companies that access the Exchange, including leading global financial institutions, emerging technology and life sciences companies, as well as some of the world’s most successful hedge funds. The CSX currently has listed more than 5,611 securities and maintains a market capitalisation of more than US$372 billion.

Central Bank of Suriname

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597 - 473741
The Centrale Bank van Suriname (CBvS) opened its doors on the 1st of April 1957 and has ever since fulfilled an important role in the Surinamese economy. The CBvS is a unique financial institution and cannot be simply compared to the commercial banks. It functions as the monetary institution entrusted with the issuance into circulation of the Surinamese currency. The CBvS is also the custodian of the international reserves of the country and safeguards that sufficient gold and foreign currency reserves are available to meet Suriname’s external payment obligations. The CBvS sees to it that the stability of the domestic and external value of the Surinamese currency is safeguarded.

COK Sodality Cooperative Credit Union Ltd

" Invest in your future today"

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Kingston 5
With a vision ahead of its time, Albert Morris had proposed the concept to create an inclusive credit union for the citizens of Kingston. A credit union is a co-operative financial institution, which is owned and controlled by its members. His dream was finally brought to fruition in 1967, when Paul Chavannes submitted Mr. Morris’ proposal to the Jamaica Co-operative Credit Union League (JCCUL) and the Registrar of Co-operative; which resulted in the birth of the City of Kingston Co-operative Credit Union Limited (COK) on October 26, 1967. With 13 members and a total share of two shillings and six pence the first Annual General Meeting was held on November 24, 1967. Since its inception COK has grown from a union with only 13 members to enjoying the benefits of having a membership base of over 280,000+ in not just Jamaica but in the English-speaking Caribbean on a whole. COK not only caters to its customers located across Jamaica such as St. Andrew, Kingston, Montego Bay, Mandeville and St. Catherine; but also, to its customers living overseas in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Grand Cayman. With over 53 years serving its clients, COK plans to continue helping and others and expanding to further lengths over time. We have carefully designed a range of savings and loans products to meet the variety of needs reflected in the profile of our members. In this regard, we have developed a wide range of products including -Fixed Deposits, the Partner Plan, Golden Harvest, Pension Plan and Family Indemnity Plan; loan products which include Business Loans, Home Equity loans, Personal loans, Mortgage, Education and Auto loans; as well as Cambio – all with our members’ success in mind!

Guyana Stock Exchange

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GASCI is the abbreviation for The Guyana Association of Securities Companies and Intermediaries Inc. This company is the local stock exchange that organises and supervises the stock market in Guyana. GASCI consists of four member firms which trade (i.e. provide broker services for customers who wish to buy and sell shares) on the stock market and these are Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd, Guyana Americas Merchant Bank Inc, Beharry Stockbrokers Ltd and Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation Inc (formerly GNCB Trust Corporation Inc). Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd, Beharry Stockbrokers Ltd and Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation Inc are also represented on the Board of Directors of GASCI. The member firms of GASCI are registered as Brokers with the Guyana Securities Council.

Republic Bank

" We are the one for you!"

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Port of Spain
Trinidad and Tobago is the largest economy in the Caribbean Community (Caricom) and is highly dependent on its petroleum sector, which has contributed approximately 36 percent of GDP over the last six years. In the early 1990s the petroleum sector evolved from being oil dominant to a natural gas dominant sector. Despite being one of the world’s largest exporters of ammonia and methanol, the energy sector is currently undergoing a transformation. The state-owned Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd. (PETROTRIN) was officially closed in late 2018, due to its low profitability. Three new companies, Heritage Petroleum Company Ltd, Paria Fuel Trading Company and Guaracara Refining Company Ltd, were formed as part of the restructuring process. Since 2015, the energy sector has seen its fair share of problems, with weak global energy prices and declining oil and gas production.

Easter Caribbean Stock Exchange

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The Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE) is a fully electronic regional exchange that was promoted by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), as a part of a programme to develop money and capital markets in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU). The ECSE, was launched in October 2001 , along with two subsidiaries, the Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Registry (ECCSR) and the Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Depository (ECCSD), to provide the infrastructure for the trading, clearing and settlement, and registration and transfer of financial assets on the Eastern Caribbean Securities market (ECSM) and, subsequently, the Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM). The ECCSR was subsequently would up, as a part of a Group rationalisation exercise, and its activities subsumed into the ECCSD. Consistent with industry norms, the ECCSD then became a full service CSD providing a full range of post trade services.

Community First Co-operative Credit Union

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St John
Objectives In pursuit of its mission, the CCCU performs the following broad functions: Defending and representing the interest of the Co operative Sector; Providing technical and managerial assistance to strengthen and expand the Co-operative Sector; Promoting and facilitating technology transfers and expertise; Conducting promotional and educational campaigns to showcase Co-operative Sector achievements and benefits; Organizing educational conventions and other fora to strengthen leadership, governance and management; Providing directors and employees opportunities for skills training with regional and international certification; Mobilizing financial and technical resources for expanding the sector