For crypto speculators, newbies, and “get rich quick” thrillseekers, last week was tough. The Chinese government re-signaled its displeasure with bitcoin and all things crypto, the IRS announced it is going to do what it can to tax every possible crypto transaction, and Elon tweeted, scaring the hell out of people who pay attention to him. Panic ensued.
When it was over, Wednesday’s crypto crash vaporized about $1 trillion of market value.
The currency may be virtual, but for those who sold at a loss, the losses were real. And while the market came back a bit after the crash, this rollercoaster ride is getting even more extreme.
This is why it is no surprise that so many well-respected business people and financial experts chose this past week to declare that crypto is “valueless,” or “nutso,” or “dead.” But think about this…