Caribbean Financial NetworkStock Exchanges

Barbados Stock Exchange
Barbados Stock Exchange

Barbados Stock Exchange

Cayman Island Stock Exchange
Cayman Island Stock Exchange

Cayman Stock Exchange

Eastern Caribbean Stock exchange
Eastern Caribbean Stock exchange

Eastern Caribbean Stock Exchange

Guyana Stock EXchange
Guyana Stock EXchange

Guyana Stock Exchange

Jamaica Stock Exchange
Jamaica Stock Exchange

Jamaica Stock Exchange

Trinidad Stock Exchange
Trinidad Stock Exchange

Trinidad Stock Exchange

Barbados Stock Exchange

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St. Michael
The Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE), formerly the Securities Exchange of Barbados, was re-incorporated on August 2nd, 2001 with the passage of the Securities Act 2001-13. As a result of the Act, the Barbados Securities Commission, now the Financial Services Commission, was established which has overall regulatory responsibility for the entire Barbadian Capital markets including all Self Regulatory Organizations (SRO), of which the BSE and its subsidiary the Barbados Central Securities Depository comprise, as well as all public companies whether listed or not.

Jamaica Stock Exchange

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Mission Statement To contribute to the growth and development of the countries in which we operate by facilitating the mobilization, exchange and expansion of capital while providing a return on equity that is acceptable to our shareholders. Objectives To promote the orderly and transparent development of the stock market and the stock exchange in Jamaica. To ensure that the stock market and its broker members operate at the highest standards practicable To develop, apply and enforce the rules designed to ensure public confidence in the stock market and its broker members To provide facilities for the transaction of stock market business To conduct research, disseminate relevant information and maintain local and international relationships which can enhance the development of the Jamaica stock market.

Easter Caribbean Stock Exchange

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The Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE) is a fully electronic regional exchange that was promoted by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), as a part of a programme to develop money and capital markets in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU). The ECSE, was launched in October 2001 , along with two subsidiaries, the Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Registry (ECCSR) and the Eastern Caribbean Central Securities Depository (ECCSD), to provide the infrastructure for the trading, clearing and settlement, and registration and transfer of financial assets on the Eastern Caribbean Securities market (ECSM) and, subsequently, the Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM). The ECCSR was subsequently would up, as a part of a Group rationalisation exercise, and its activities subsumed into the ECCSD. Consistent with industry norms, the ECCSD then became a full service CSD providing a full range of post trade services.

Trinidad Stock Exchange

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Port of Spain
The Securities Market which informally existed in Trinidad & Tobago for well over twenty years prior to the opening of the Trinidad & Tobago Stock Exchange really achieved significance in the early 1970's when Government decided as a matter of policy to localise the foreign owned commercial banking and manufacturing sectors of the economy. The thrust of the policy was to get such companies to divest and sell a majority of their shares to nationals. Two bodies chosen to effect this policy were the Capital Issues Committee which was set up by the Ministry of Finance in July 1970 to direct developments in the primary market and the Call Exchange (an association of share dealers) which was established under the umbrella of the Central Bank in August 1965 to monitor activities in the secondary market.

Guyana Stock Exchange

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GASCI is the abbreviation for The Guyana Association of Securities Companies and Intermediaries Inc. This company is the local stock exchange that organises and supervises the stock market in Guyana. GASCI consists of four member firms which trade (i.e. provide broker services for customers who wish to buy and sell shares) on the stock market and these are Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd, Guyana Americas Merchant Bank Inc, Beharry Stockbrokers Ltd and Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation Inc (formerly GNCB Trust Corporation Inc). Trust Company (Guyana) Ltd, Beharry Stockbrokers Ltd and Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation Inc are also represented on the Board of Directors of GASCI. The member firms of GASCI are registered as Brokers with the Guyana Securities Council.

Cayman Stock Exchange

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Grand Cayman
The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange (CSX) was founded in 1996 and is a leading, globally focused, specialist exchange for various sophisticated products. Our focus is on being an efficient gateway to global markets. As such, the CSX is known for the broad array of companies that access the Exchange, including leading global financial institutions, emerging technology and life sciences companies, as well as some of the world’s most successful hedge funds. The CSX currently has listed more than 5,611 securities and maintains a market capitalisation of more than US$372 billion.